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When a Hollywood director is caught in an abusive pattern, we’ve heard some Christians say it’s because of his atheism or sexual liberation. And then when a Christian clergyman is discovered in the same sort of abuse, we’ve heard some say that it’s because of “sexual repression.”

To some degree, these questions of theology are welcome. Jesus did, after all, tell us that we are to judge a tree by its fruit (Lk. 6:43-45). Sometimes awful actions point to something seriously awry in the system itself, or in the system of government. Questioning theological or ecclesial systems in light of the Word of God is always right and good. That said, there’s a tendency to go beyond that, and to seek to identify, simply, the doctrinal or church-structure “culprit” and then to assume getting of rid of it, or going with its opposite, will correct the situation.

Does Christianity Denigrate Women?