You know, it's interesting how we're all obsessed with self-awareness, like it's the ultimate goal. But let's be real – it's not just about knowing stuff; it's about having the guts, courage, and boldness to do something about it.

Think about it: until we tap into that soul awareness, we're kinda stuck in neutral. We second-guess ourselves, doubt our intuition, and end up going in circles. It's like gathering all this info but never going anywhere with it. Let’s revisit an episode called "Self Awareness is Not Soul Awareness," where we’re taking the step after gathering all the information: having the courage to honor your self awareness. 

Otherwise, it's useless.

Show Notes:

[1:58] - Self awareness comes from gathering information.

[2:35] - Information without implementation is useless.

[3:42] - A lot of us are taking action that is not necessarily in alignment with what we discover in our self awareness.

[5:31] - We think that the gathering of information will lead to self actualization.

[6:31] - We need a mix of self awareness and soul awareness.

[7:42] - Grab a complimentary ticket to the Soul Detox Virtual Event.

Links and Resources:Redefining Wealth Website
The Institute of Redefining Wealth
Redefining Wealth App
Patrice Washington on Instagram
Soul Detox Virtual Event
Self Awareness is Not Soul Awareness Full Episode