The theme for this month on the Redefining Wealth App and in the community is all about the PEOPLE Pillar. We are really honing in on our people-pleasing tendencies and today’s Wisdom Point takes us back to a lesson I learned the hard way in 2019.

People pleasing doesn’t just look like saying yes to everything. It also comes up when we are not honest with people when a season of our lives is up. And sometimes, we’re not even honest with ourselves. Maybe we know a relationship is over or has changed but we don’t want to give voice to it. We might be afraid of the change it means. This leaves us romanticizing an expired relationship and clinging to it for far too long.

This lesson is always valuable to revisit. Listen as I am finally honest with myself and finally seeing the signs that people needed to take a back seat in my life.

Show Notes:

[2:01] - In hindsight, some lessons shouldn’t be as surprising as they are if we are honest with ourselves.

[3:40] - Patrice realized that she was justifying behavior that wasn’t in alignment with her core values.

[4:52] - You may be battling with yourself and have gotten signs. Justifying their behavior is not serving you.

[6:54] - You are not above it. You are not the first. You are not the last. And you are not alone.

[8:06] - Grab the Guide to Stop People Pleasing on the Redefining Wealth App.

Links and Resources:Redefining Wealth Website
The Institute of Redefining Wealth
Redefining Wealth App
Patrice Washington on Instagram
Future Personal Training App
Stop Romanticizing Relationships Full Episode