Have you ever put something off or not taken the next step simply because you were confused about what came next?

Well, I’m pretty sure all of us have done this at one point or another.

The problem with this is when we’re not clear on what comes next, we often do one of two things. We either become information-gathers who run around in circles or we do nothing at all. 

But here’s the thing, in life there’s always going to be seasons where you’re confused. That’s why it’s so important for you to become comfortable in the confusion and realize that any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it will be uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s a necessary part of growth.

For me, whenever I’m confused, I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people, to ask for help, to invest in myself and to stretch in a new way. In other words, I look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical, and I hope after today’s episode you do too. 

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit iamapurposechaser.com and join NOW.


Give God Something to Bless Takeaways  

Confusion can only paralyze us if we allow it. – Patrice Washington

Any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it’s uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s also a necessary part of growth. – Patrice Washington

In the confusion, you have to be willing to surrender the most. – Patrice Washington

Look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical. – Patrice Washington

If you’re waiting to have all the answers before you move forward, you’re going to go to your grave with the best ideas still in you. – Patrice Washington

God knows what you’re waiting on when He sees what you’re working on. – Patrice Washington

You have to participate in your own rescue. – Patrice Washington

I’d rather walk in what I believe may be the right direction blindfolded, than stand still. – Patrice Washington

Are you letting confusion hold you back? Are you waiting to have all the answers before you move forward? The hard truth is if you continue to stand still, you’ll end up going to your grave with all your best ideas still inside of you.

And for me, that’s unacceptable. I don’t want to be where I am now in a year from now. What about you? Are you ready to use confusion as an opportunity to grow? Let me know in the comments below.



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To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes: http://www.patricewashington.com/Listen

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected].

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

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YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW

Have you ever put something off or not taken the next step simply because you were confused about what came next?

Well, I’m pretty sure all of us have done this at one point or another.

The problem with this is when we’re not clear on what comes next, we often do one of two things. We either become information-gathers who run around in circles or we do nothing at all. 

But here’s the thing, in life there’s always going to be seasons where you’re confused. That’s why it’s so important for you to become comfortable in the confusion and realize that any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it will be uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s a necessary part of growth.

For me, whenever I’m confused, I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people, to ask for help, to invest in myself and to stretch in a new way. In other words, I look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical, and I hope after today’s episode you do too. 

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit iamapurposechaser.com and join NOW.


Give God Something to Bless Takeaways  

Confusion can only paralyze us if we allow it. – Patrice Washington
Any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it’s uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s also a necessary part of growth. – Patrice Washington
In the confusion, you have to be willing to surrender the most. – Patrice Washington
Look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical. – Patrice Washington
If you’re waiting to have all the answers before you move forward, you’re going to go to your grave with the best ideas still in you. – Patrice Washington
God knows what you’re waiting on when He sees what you’re working on. – Patrice Washington
You have to participate in your own rescue. – Patrice Washington
I’d rather walk in what I believe may be the right direction blindfolded, than stand still. – Patrice Washington

Are you letting confusion hold you back? Are you waiting to have all the answers before you move forward? The hard truth is if you continue to stand still, you’ll end up going to your grave with all your best ideas still inside of you.

And for me, that’s unacceptable. I don’t want to be where I am now in a year from now. What about you? Are you ready to use confusion as an opportunity to grow? Let me know in the comments below.



To advertise on the podcast: http://www.patricewashington.com/podcastads

Become an Official Purpose Chaser: https://www.facebook.com/groups/redefiningwealthcommunity/?ref=bookmarks 

Join Patrice’s Pod Club: http://www.patricespodclub.com 

To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes: http://www.patricewashington.com/Listen

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected].

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW

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