How many times has God asked or encouraged you to do something and you responded with, “I will, but once I finish this,” or “Are you sure, God? I don’t think I have the ability to do that?”

For me, I spent years making up excuses about why I wasn’t ready or why I was too busy to do the things God was calling me to do. So, when a business relationship of mine went sideways last year, and God had already called me to end it months before, I thought, “That’s it, I’m claiming obedience as my theme for 2020.”  

And all of this got me thinking about what my life would look like if I just obeyed God the first time – on everything He’s called me to do. What would your life look like if you practiced obedience over convenience, perfection, logic or procrastination?

Today’s episode is brought to you by Command the Stage, a 2-day intimate training created for the next generation of transformational speakers who desire to confidently communicate the message they’ve been called to share with the masses.

How would you like to captivate your audience, attract your tribe, build authority and use speaking from the stage to grow your platform exponentially by becoming more magnetic, more memorable and more powerful? Get more details at

Obedience Over Everything Takeaways

Obedience means having perfect confidence in God. – Patrice Washington

God does not speak to be heard, He speaks to be obeyed. – Priscilla Shirer

How often do you choose perfection, avoidance, excuses, expectations, logic or convenience over obedience? – Patrice Washington

What if you were obedient the first time you heard God? What would your life look like? – Patrice Washington

“All these blessings will come upon you, and overtake you, if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God.” – Deuteronomy 28.2

We overthink and overcomplicate things because we weren’t being obedient to begin with. – Patrice Washington

Now, I’d love to know – what would your life look like if you practiced obedience over convenience, perfection, logic or procrastination? Let me know in the comments.

And if you’re up for the challenge, let’s do an obedience challenge. Instead of waiting or making excuses or rationalizing, how can you move forward today with the vision God has given you? And how will you practice obedience to that vision every day?


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If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected]

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW


How many times has God asked or encouraged you to do something and you responded with, “I will, but once I finish this,” or “Are you sure, God? I don’t think I have the ability to do that?”

For me, I spent years making up excuses about why I wasn’t ready or why I was too busy to do the things God was calling me to do. So, when a business relationship of mine went sideways last year, and God had already called me to end it months before, I thought, “That’s it, I’m claiming obedience as my theme for 2020.”  

And all of this got me thinking about what my life would look like if I just obeyed God the first time – on everything He’s called me to do. What would your life look like if you practiced obedience over convenience, perfection, logic or procrastination?

Today’s episode is brought to you by Command the Stage, a 2-day intimate training created for the next generation of transformational speakers who desire to confidently communicate the message they’ve been called to share with the masses.

How would you like to captivate your audience, attract your tribe, build authority and use speaking from the stage to grow your platform exponentially by becoming more magnetic, more memorable and more powerful? Get more details at

Obedience Over Everything Takeaways

Obedience means having perfect confidence in God. – Patrice Washington
God does not speak to be heard, He speaks to be obeyed. – Priscilla Shirer
How often do you choose perfection, avoidance, excuses, expectations, logic or convenience over obedience? – Patrice Washington
What if you were obedient the first time you heard God? What would your life look like? – Patrice Washington
“All these blessings will come upon you, and overtake you, if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God.” – Deuteronomy 28.2
We overthink and overcomplicate things because we weren’t being obedient to begin with. – Patrice Washington

Now, I’d love to know – what would your life look like if you practiced obedience over convenience, perfection, logic or procrastination? Let me know in the comments.

And if you’re up for the challenge, let’s do an obedience challenge. Instead of waiting or making excuses or rationalizing, how can you move forward today with the vision God has given you? And how will you practice obedience to that vision every day?


To advertise on the podcast:

Become an Official Purpose Chaser: 

Join Patrice’s Pod Club: 

To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes: 

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected]

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW


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