This is the last episode in our “Faith Works” series and before we head into the last quarter of 2020, I wanted to set you up with a solid foundation. The Faith Pillar has contributed to so much of my success, and I know that if you take the time to develop your faith pillar, you will achieve success as well. Today’s guest takes Faith to a new level and chooses to redefine her life through prayer. 

A Professional Prayer Coach, Public Speaker, and Author of The Prayer Playbook, Jazlyn Denise not only redefines wealth, but lives out her purpose in all areas of her life. Through her personal experiences of adolescent pregnancy and single motherhood, Jazlyn redefines stereotypes and has overcome her challenges by building up her prayer life.

What started as a personal journey and a prayer for clarity, has since transitioned Jazlyn into her calling to help others transform spiritually, personally, and professionally.

She believes that life and death is in the power of the tongue and if the enemy can keep you silent, he can also keep you bound.

Key discussion points from this episode include:

The birth of The Prayer Playbook - 01:51

Everyone’s prayer journey is different - 03:33

Memorizing scripture and exercising the Faith Pillar - 06:59

Facing fear of judgement - 09:37

Setting time aside for God - 13:30

Creating a designated space for prayer - 16:02

Being desperate for God. - 21:24

The importance of fasting - 23:02

The 21 days of Prayer - 25:03

The intimacy of a prayer partner - 27:04

Honoring God through prayer and becoming a prayer coach - 32:00

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.


The Prayer Playbook Takeaways

“Not everyone feels confident about their prayer life, but so many people are ashamed to admit it.” - Patrice Washington

“Everyone’s prayer journey is different.” - Patrice Washington

“If the enemy can keep your prayers silent, he can keep you bound.” - Jazlyn Denise

“My prayers are not supposed to sound like someone else's prayers because my experiences are different than someone else.” - Jazlyn Denise

“You have to pray in your own voice.” - Jazlyn Denise

“When the Word is in your heart, you have no choice for it to come out in what you say and in what you do.” - Jazlyn Denise

“So much of what blocks us and keeps us spiritually malnourished is the fear of judgement.” - Patrice Washington

“Don’t worry about someone else judging you just because you can’t see what they need to be judged for.” - Jazlyn Denise

“If you want to create a relationship with God you have to create space and boundaries for it.” - Jazlyn Denise

“We make room for what we want and we have to do the same for God.” - Jazlyn Denise

“The Prayer Playbook is to begin, transform, and improve your prayer life.” - Jazlyn Denise

“Be sure that you’re living out God’s purpose for your life the way He wants you to.” - Jazlyn Denise

“It’s important that God leads you to your prayer partner.” - Jazlyn Denise

“Try Jesus, don’t try me. He’s free.” - Jazlyn Denise

“The Bible is a storybook and it’s God’s love letter to us.” - Jazlyn Denise

“Any time I have an issue, I go to the Bible. So, when I think about wealth I definitely look there.” - Jazlyn Denise


Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Jazlyn’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:

“Success is defined by how you feel when you go to sleep and wake up.”

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

"Being At Peace"

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

The Holy Bible

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Jazlyn Denise and to me the truth about wealth is it is my God given birthright.”



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To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes:

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected].

Find me in Social Media: 

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW





This is the last episode in our “Faith Works” series and before we head into the last quarter of 2020, I wanted to set you up with a solid foundation. The Faith Pillar has contributed to so much of my success, and I know that if you take the time to develop your faith pillar, you will achieve success as well. Today’s guest takes Faith to a new level and chooses to redefine her life through prayer. 

A Professional Prayer Coach, Public Speaker, and Author of The Prayer Playbook, Jazlyn Denise not only redefines wealth, but lives out her purpose in all areas of her life. Through her personal experiences of adolescent pregnancy and single motherhood, Jazlyn redefines stereotypes and has overcome her challenges by building up her prayer life.

What started as a personal journey and a prayer for clarity, has since transitioned Jazlyn into her calling to help others transform spiritually, personally, and professionally.

She believes that life and death is in the power of the tongue and if the enemy can keep you silent, he can also keep you bound.

Key discussion points from this episode include:

The birth of The Prayer Playbook - 01:51
Everyone’s prayer journey is different - 03:33
Memorizing scripture and exercising the Faith Pillar - 06:59
Facing fear of judgement - 09:37
Setting time aside for God - 13:30
Creating a designated space for prayer - 16:02
Being desperate for God. - 21:24
The importance of fasting - 23:02
The 21 days of Prayer - 25:03
The intimacy of a prayer partner - 27:04
Honoring God through prayer and becoming a prayer coach - 32:00

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.


The Prayer Playbook Takeaways

“Not everyone feels confident about their prayer life, but so many people are ashamed to admit it.” - Patrice Washington
“Everyone’s prayer journey is different.” - Patrice Washington
“If the enemy can keep your prayers silent, he can keep you bound.” - Jazlyn Denise
“My prayers are not supposed to sound like someone else's prayers because my experiences are different than someone else.” - Jazlyn Denise
“You have to pray in your own voice.” - Jazlyn Denise
“When the Word is in your heart, you have no choice for it to come out in what you say and in what you do.” - Jazlyn Denise
“So much of what blocks us and keeps us spiritually malnourished is the fear of judgement.” - Patrice Washington
“Don’t worry about someone else judging you just because you can’t see what they need to be judged for.” - Jazlyn Denise
“If you want to create a relationship with God you have to create space and boundaries for it.” - Jazlyn Denise
“We make room for what we want and we have to do the same for God.” - Jazlyn Denise
“The Prayer Playbook is to begin, transform, and improve your prayer life.” - Jazlyn Denise
“Be sure that you’re living out God’s purpose for your life the way He wants you to.” - Jazlyn Denise
“It’s important that God leads you to your prayer partner.” - Jazlyn Denise
“Try Jesus, don’t try me. He’s free.” - Jazlyn Denise
“The Bible is a storybook and it’s God’s love letter to us.” - Jazlyn Denise
“Any time I have an issue, I go to the Bible. So, when I think about wealth I definitely look there.” - Jazlyn Denise


Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Jazlyn’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:

“Success is defined by how you feel when you go to sleep and wake up.”

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

"Being At Peace"

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

The Holy Bible

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Jazlyn Denise and to me the truth about wealth is it is my God given birthright.”



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Become an Official Purpose Chaser:

To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes:

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected].

Find me in Social Media: 

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW





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