Glenn Lovelace is a certified Life and Health Coach. He has a wild resume from 10 years at UPS, to 4 years running Fire & EMS, mortgages, life insurance, high ticket sales, construction and restoration, he’s even been a janitor. He would say one of his favorite jobs was as a server at a Mexican restaurant. He’s coached over 3,000 clients.

In 2017 he was the overall male winner of the Transform For Life challenge. His transformation was selected amongst 60,000 other transformers. He won $100,000. He claims he "wins everything" now it just takes a little time and work.

He graduated in 2008 with a degree from the School of Family Life at BYU. At the time he was embarrassed that he took "the fastest easiest way out" but now feels God has brought him full circle. He’s committed to "enhancing the quality of life of individuals and families within the home and communities worldwide."

Glenn eventually landed on the steps of The Life Coach School where he certified as a "Life & Health" coach.

His business now focuses on helping men…particularly men whose wives have transformed from coaching. His diversity has helped him understand men of all walks – blue, white and any collar color. One Day One Life is his simple daily reminder that life is short. We get one shot. Let’s live it.

I am excited to have Glen Lovelace on the podcast!