Remember Matthew, the tax collector from the Bible, who completely transformed his life when he followed Jesus? That's the kind of life-altering shift we're delving into today. We examine the profound change that occurs when one chooses to answer Jesus' call, mirroring it with Matthew's divine interaction. This episode brings to light the essence of the Christian life - hearing Jesus, believing in Him, and following His path. It's an exploration of evangelism, understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in drawing people towards Jesus, and the accountability we hold in accepting or rejecting His divine call.

We discuss how responding to Jesus' divine call can trigger a 'great rearranging' in our lives, irrespective of our spiritual standing. This episode is an opportunity to see the precarious decision between faith and rejection, and comprehend the transformative power of accepting Jesus' call. 

The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!