Walking The Way | Solitude | Week 6 | June 16, 2024

Teacher: Adam Barnett

/>  Psalm 103:1-5, New International Version: 

/> 1 Praise theLord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
/> 2 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—
/> 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
/> 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
/> 5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

/> Psalm 103:1-5, Amplified Bible: 

/> 1 Bless and affectionately praise theLord, O my soul, And all that is [deep] within me,blessHis holy name.
/> 2 Bless and affectionately praise theLord, O my soul,And do not forget any of His benefits;
/> 3 Who forgives all your sins,Who heals all your diseases;
/> 4 Who redeems your life from the pit,Who crowns you [lavishly] with lovingkindness and tender mercy;
/> 5 Who satisfies your years with good things,So that your youth is renewed like the [soaring] eagle.

/> Psalm 103:1-5, Message Translation: 

/> 1 O my soul, blessGod.From head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name!

/> 2 O my soul, blessGod,don’t forget a single blessing!

/> 3 He forgives your sins—every one.He heals your diseases—every one.
/> 4He redeems you from hell—saves your life!He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
/> 5 He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence.


/> 1.    Comparison. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…” - James 1:17

/> Comparing leads to coveting. Coveting is lethal to contentment.

/> Focus (daily) on appreciation, not accumulation.

/> 2.    Complaint. “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.”  - Philippians 2:14

/> “How are we landing robots on Mars, but our Wi-Fi is so slow?” - Adam Barnett

>/ 3.    Calamity.“Give thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

>/ God did not do this to me. God allowed this for me. He is with me.

/> "For years, I subscribed to the notion of an 'attitude of gratitude.' I've since learned that an attitude is an orientation or a way of thinking and that 'having an attitude' doesn't always translate to a behavior.It seems that gratitude without practice may be a little like faith without works. It's not alive. So, we don't so much want to know if you have a grateful heart, but do you have grateful habits?” - Brené Brown 

/> 1.    Focus on where you see the gracious and active presence of God in the story of your life.

/> 2.    Talk about where you see the gracious and active presence of God in the story of your life.