Is the Bible True & Authoritative?
September 5 2021 • The Bible • Week 1
Teacher: Adam Barnett


Caroline Westerhoff

"Our danger lies in questioning too little rather than too much. After all, our questions can be the voice of God."

We affirm the centrality of the word of God

We (the covenant church) confess God's Word, the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, as the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct."

Phillip Spainer

"Thought should be given to a more extensive use of the word of God. We know that by nature, we have no good in us. If there is to be any good in us, it must be brought about by God. To this end, the word of God is the powerful means, since faith must be awakened through the gospel. Therefore, the more at home the word of God is among us, the more we shall bring about faith and its fruits."- Phillip Spainer

2 Timothy 3:16 KJV

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

5,800 manuscripts | 450 pages in length | 2.6 million pages of text | 100's of witnesses | 99.5% pure

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