Have you ever considered the humble innkeeper's role in the nativity, or is your life too cluttered to make space for such thoughts? Our latest episode explores the overlooked figure of the innkeeper from the Christmas story, through a narrative that weaves personal anecdotes with scriptural insights from Luke, chapter two. As I recount the days of making room in our family cave for football games, you'll find the conversation steering towards the transformative act of hospitality and the deeper spiritual practice of opening our lives to Jesus.

A child's innocent declaration as "Jesus, king of babies" during playtime captures the whimsy and depth of this episode, as we ponder Jesus's identity through the eyes of both the young and the angel Gabriel's message to Mary. Together, we navigate the profound implications of truly recognizing Jesus as our Savior and how this realization calls us to invite Him into every corner of our existence. Let this episode be a heartfelt invitation to acknowledge Jesus as the beacon of our lives, and discover how such recognition can illuminate your spiritual journey.

As the season shifts from Advent to Christmas, we're prompted to examine our own openness to Jesus's presence. Are we mimicking the innkeeper's oversight, unwittingly turning Jesus away? This episode is a gentle nudge towards deeper engagement with scripture, earnest prayer, and sharing His love with others. Join me in this call to action, to clear away life's distractions and open our hearts to the true joy and fulfillment of welcoming Jesus into our midst.