In the triumphant(?) return of Reddit Horror Club (now refashioned as Reddit Horror Club 2: Dead by Dawn), new hosts Justin (that’s me) and Anastasia introduce themselves, talk about the… Continue reading "RHC: We’re Baaaaack!"

In the triumphant(?) return of Reddit Horror Club (now refashioned as Reddit Horror Club 2: Dead by Dawn), new hosts Justin (that’s me) and Anastasia introduce themselves, talk about the three selections from this round so far, and point out the glaring holes in Justin’s horror film experiences through this point.

Listen to Anastasia try to get a few words in (no really, I’m not that bad), as Don’t Look in the Basement, Dog Soldiers, and Wild Zero are discussed and the duo decides which ones should be placed in their horror film stash and which need to be regulated forever to the trash.

If you’re reading these show notes on The Farsighted, below is the trailer to Wild Zero and the entire films of Dog Soldiers and Don’t Look in the Basement (aka The Forgotten). If you’re hearing this on The Farsighted Podcast or Drive All Night, it’s in your feed so you can get a taste for this latest addition to The Farsighted‘s podcast network.

Join in on the discussion over at the Reddit Horror Club subreddit!

Thanks to Kannon aka RHC’s smayonak for compiling an awesome logo with the help of some other awesome horror related subreddits.

And come back next week to hear about how you can win one of a few different horror related prizes courtesy of some awesome friends of The Farsighted.