I wanted to talk about the future of Star Citizen that patches 2.6 & 2.7 will bring. Recently a The German Mag PC-Games visited the Frankfurt Foundry 42 Studio to have a hands on with the latest dev build of Star Citizen with Star Marine & Procedural Planets.
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Break Down of the PC Games German SC Article - https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/337355/spoiler-pc-games-at-foundry-42-germany-german-with-english-summary-spoiler/

BrtizenCon Dev Panel - http://www.redacted.tv/britizencon-2016-dev-panel-round-up/

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*Disclaimer - PATCH REVISION NUMBER Some Form of DEV Build, also I don't read German very well & was using lots of sources so if it's inaccurate I apologize.

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