Have you heard of the writer Rachel Carlson before? She is one of the most important writers who indirectly shaped how you, I, and many people in the West view industrial agriculture. Many would date the beginning of the modern environmental movement to September 1962, when her book ā€œSilent Springā€ began to roll off the presses.

The work of Rachel Carson shaped how the public sees modern agriculture. It has created an awareness that we arenā€™t separate from nature, and that what goes around comes around.

Monsanto and many other agrochemical companies got into PR trouble due to Carson. When genetically modified crops were introduced thirty years later, the news landed on the fertilized groundā€”blooming into a lot of ugly media attention.Ā 

In this episode, we talk about the nature of the debate about Genetic Engineering. We touch on GM labeling, how to think of agriculture as a system instead of looking at the solutions individually

And whether positioning anti-GMO activists as anti-science is fair or not.

My co-host Frank Kuehen is the Managing Director of the Adalbert Raps Foundation, funding food science research for a sustainable future of food. And he also is the Chief of the Advisory Board at the herb and spice producer RAPS.Ā 

Iā€™m Marina, a science and technology historian focused on agrifood. To get an introduction to GM and pesticides, consider checking out episodes 7.7 - 7.9.

Connect with the host, MarinaĀ ā ā ā https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmidt-marina/ā ā ā 

Connect with the host, FrankĀ ā ā ā https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankkuehne/ā ā ā 

Get funding for your food science research:Ā ā ā https://en.raps-stiftung.de/foerderbereiche/lebensmittelforschungā ā 

Support Red to GreenĀ ā ā ā  https://www.patreon.com/RedtoGreenā ā ā 

More info and links to resources onā ā Ā https://redtogreen.solutions/ Ā ā ā 

Seeds of ScienceĀ ā https://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Science-Why-Wrong-GMOs/dp/1472946987ā 

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DISCLAIMERĀ - The podcast and article represent the personal opinions and interpretations of the participants). The statements may be exaggerated for entertainment and/or comedic purposes. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented per the cited sources. However, the participants do not guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. Readers are encouraged to verify the information presented and conduct their own research independently. The participants acknowledge that Bayer Crop Science and/or other parties mentioned have the right to an alternative interpretation of matters discussed.