We lack bees, we lack insects and it's a severe issue for biodiversity. Because flowers are dependent on insects and vice versa, right?

So if you eat traditional honey, are you promoting bee health? No, large-scale monoculture is an issue in crop agriculture and beekeeping.

Hear from Darko Madrich, the co-founder and CEO of Melibio. I got to try their plant-based honey in Switzerland last year. And it tasted so similar I wondered whether they had just poured some natural honey into the bottle.

By the way, whenever I meet Darko, I feel his spirit animal would be a giant bumblebee. He has that vibe.

Anyway, Instead of using something like rice syrup, Melibio uses the compounds found in honey. Re-building it from the ground up.

In the future, they want to use precision fermentation to add a few compounds that are hard to replace. But is that necessary?


Check out our supporter of this season ProVeg Incubator and their 12-month incubator program:


More info and links to resources on https://redtogreen.solutions/  

Connect with Marina Schmidt https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmidt-marina/

Check out our supporter of this season, FoodLabs, and their Climate Program:


For sponsorships, collaborations or feedback write Marina at [email protected]

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problems with honey

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Editor's note: on 17.02. a 1,5-minute partnership message was added at minute 7.