Glands would work like little milk machines. You give them the nutrients and boom you get the milk. Freaky, huh? You will find out why it's hard to re-create conventional dairy milk. And what technology may come after precision fermentation. Something we will call "cells as machinery." or cell-based milk.

To look into the future, you will hear from TurtleTree CSO Aletta Schnitzler. Turtletree develops dairy bioactive, so recreating parts of milk that are probiotic or have other health benefits. The bioactive can be added to plant-based products to make them more nutritious. But in parallel, they are also looking at the moonshot solution of using glands to produce milk.

So you would grow the glands and give them the necessary nutrients and environment to work as little milk machines. We will clarify this more in a few minutes. Cell-based milk is some of the crazier stuff I have come across in my research on biotech. So I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did. Let's jump right in

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Check out our supporter of this season FoodLabs and their Climate Program:

Check out our supporter of this season ProVeg Incubator and their 12-month incubator program:

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Topics and hashtags for this episode

Cells as machinery

Turtletree company

Cell biotechnology

Cell-based milk

what is cell-based milk

Cell-based cheese

Cell-based dairy


Hashtags for the season

Biotechnology in food

What is biotechnology food

Food biotechnology examples

Food biotechnology startups

Biotechnology food companies

Biotech food in USA

Food biotechnology examples

Editor's Note:

Seles - The episode has been re-edited and content between 15:46- 20:12 has been removed. (Feb 2023)

Marina - the episode has been shortened to 25 minutes ( Mar 2023)