This is a must read.

The Easter story is a representation of Jesus's love for the world as seen in the Holy Bible. Love that doesn't require man to do anything and love, man does not deserve any obligation. This is the reality of what Easter is all about. 

What should we learn from the Easter story?

We were told that Jesus went through pain and shame to show us that he loves mankind. In intimate relationships, you must learn the act of showing love by vows not by convenience. Love is never an easy ride, it comes with giving everything to your partner. 

We discovered that Jesus bore the pain and he brought men closer to God. In intimate relationships, one must understand that the love for your spouse will raise godly and great seeds as your love becomes an example for them to grow with. 

The scriptures highlighted that Jesus died and resurrected on the 3rd day. In intimate relationships, the season of pain will come but will not be for long. A good season will come where you will reap the act of your love. Both partners must give to each other so the circle of love is balanced. 

We saw how Jesus spoke to his disciples before his death came. In intimate relationships, talk to your partner about the coming pain, the current pain and the past pain. Share your pain with your spouse and they will understand what you are going through. This indicates trust even if they cannot bring any solution to your pain. 

In the journey to his death, we saw how Peter cut off the ear of a soldier and also denied Jesus. In intimate relationships, don't change when the season of pain comes. Be your partner's greatest supporter. Be bold about your love for your spouse. Don't stop your partner from going through the challenge, don't deny them but support them. 

There is a lot to learn from the Easter story. What did you learn. You can share with us in the community.

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