Topical again! From June 2022, here's every time we talked about Lee Greenwood or the Lee Greenwood Bible. There ain't no doubt we love this repost of a clip show.

Best of Us Talkin' About Lee Greenwood: Jackie & Dunlap on Lee Greenwood, Lee Greenwood's other hits, the Lee Greenwood Corps, the Lee Greenwood Bible, the Lee Greenwood fireworks, and Opryland.

Clips: Ep. 106, 11/17/14 

Ep. 441, 5/21/21

Ep. 442, 5/29/21

Ep. 459, 9/26/21

Ep. 483, 6/3/22

"The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs:

Red State Update theme "Tasty Sorghum Biscuit" by William Sherry: