Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Dan Short, co-author of The Santa Claus Chronicles, with Rene Gutteridge.

Note: Due to the circumstances—Dan giving us an interview between Santa gigs—the audio is imperfect. Apologies, but we didn't want you to miss out on Dan's wonderful stories.

Chapter 1: Opening Thoughts
We are ready for the holidays!
During the holiday break, we will release a classic compilation episode featuring Erin Heinecke, the prominent movie/tv literary agent.

Chapter 2: News
1) Big 5 Publishers Use AI to Select Manuscripts
2) Wattpad Launches Premium Subscriptions
3) Wall Street Journal Cancels its Bestseller List

Chapter 3: Interview with Dan Short
During this chat, you'll learn:
1) how Dan started writing;
2) how he started being Santa;
3) how he brings the joy of the season to his work; and
4) the experiences and lessons of his life.

Chapater 4: Parting Words
Lara Bernhardt's Christmas Spirit is marked down for the holidays!
William Bernhardt has a Kenzi Rivera short story int he holiday anthology Christmas Tapestry.
The holiday issue of WriterCon Magazine has been released. Subscribe today!

William Bernhardt