LIVE FROM THE WRITERCON CRUISE 2024! Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview agent Katharine Sands, SF/Fantasy author RJ Johnson, and USA Today-bestselling Romance writer Lauren Smith.

Chapter 1: Opening Thoughts
This has been our largest group of cruise-writers yet, and we've had a wonderful timne working with them.

Chapter 2: Testimonials
Some of the WriterCon Cruisers share what they loved most about this adventure.

Chapter 3: News
1) Amazon Accused of Spying on Retail Competitiors
2) Internet Archive Appeals Ruling Prohibiting Digitization of Books Without License

Chapter 4: Interview
Premiere literary Agent Katharine Sands, USA Today-bestselling author Lauren Smith, and SF/Fantasy author RJ Johnson (Dreamslinger and others) talk about their adventures in the writing world. During this chat, you will learn:
1) how to write the book you love while also paying attention to the market;
2) the road ahead for publishing;
3) the rise of romance, fantasy & horror;
4) how to break into publishing;
5) how the role of the agent has changed; and 
6) breaking into foreign rights—on your own.

Chapter 5: Parting Words
The next big event on the WriterCon calendar is the WriterCon Retreat, July 17-21, at the Canebrake luxury resort not far from Tulsa, with pool, hot tubs, spa, yoga, golf training, hiking trails, and most importantly, writing instruction. The classes, rooms, and food are all packaged together at one low price. This is where you get direct feedback on your work in progress as well as great information and instruction. Visit the website for more info!

The WriterCon annual writers conference is Labor Day weekend (August 30-September 2) in Oklahoma City at the Renaissance Waterford. Over 50 speakers, over 70 sessions, need-to-know info on what's happening in the writing world, plus great writing tips. ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS till the Early Bird pricing ends, so register now!

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.
William Bernhardt