Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the worlds of books and publishing, then interviews Joanna Penn, founder of The Creative Penn and host of The Creative Penn podcast.

News Items:
1) Amazon appears to be diminishing the influence of the "Also Bought" book page feature in favor of paid advertising. Is it time for you to take the plunge into the world of Amazon ads?

2) Big Five New York publishers are consolidating and eliminating many of their imprints. Is this a recognition that the book world has changed and brick-and-mortar stores are no longer the primary place where books are sold?

3) We mourn the passing of Stan Lee, creative genius of Marvel Comics. What lessons can Red Sneaker Writers take from his fascinating life?

In the interview, Joanna Penn explains content-based marketing and how writers--including fiction writers--can create promotional material that engages writers and increases the sales of their books. She discusses specifically what works--and what doesn't.

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About WriterCon 2019--Did I say we were offering a 50% discount? Oops. I mean a $50-off discount, if you register before the end of 2018. For more information, visit:

The Creative Penn:
William Bernhardt:
Email: [email protected]