All the vegan and AR news that's fit to feature:  Red Radio Episode Seventy One features August's installment of The Vegan Scoop!  It's a doozy.  You'll hear all the juicy details from headlines all over the world, including Disney's compassionate re-write, New York City's shark fin ban, the declining international whale-meat trade, Costa Rica's pledge to close zoos, and antibiotic-resistant superbugs passed from bovine to human... you ain't gonna hear this on Morning Joe, folks!  PLUS, in a special feature, Erin Red breaks down this whole Lab-Meat (IVM) fiasco and tells us how she REALLY feels.  OH, YOU MAD BRO??  Please consider supporting Red Radio by visiting Erin Red's home base and clicking on 'Support the Show', and make sure to subscribe to Red Radio on iTunes (or your favorite podcatcher) today!  If you love what you hear, leave a glowing review with five sparkly stars, or drop Erin Red a line at [email protected].  Better yet, dial the Red Radio Hotline at (510) 500-KALE and speak your truth!  Don't feel connected?  Follow Erin Red on Twitter (@erinred) and Like her on Facebook (/erinred)!