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Ghostbusters Afterlife aka How to save face after producing Ghostbusters (2016) (@ 8:40)

Relationships Segment (@ 1:09:25)

Ghostbusters Afterlife is finally here, but does it live up to the originals, and does it finally redeem the franchise after Paul Feig’s debacle? While Red Moon is not afraid to cover the politics in Hollywood, we do prefer to avoid it, yet when Hollywood’s moral depravity takes center stage we have to speak our mind. It’s a heavy show, but we will dive in this week to the Hollywood elites dishonesty and their reactions to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. In our unique weekly segment we discuss those we are thankful for, as Thanksgiving is finally here! Remember you can catch us LIVE every Tuesday at 9pm EST on Facebook and YouTube! Have you seen Ghostbusters yet, and if so did it live up to the hype? Want to share your feelings on the current state of Hollywood? Disagree with our thoughts and wish to tell us just how ignorant you find us? Well we welcome all opportunities for discussion so please share with us by emailing us at [email protected]! Be sure to check out all Red Moon has to offer by visiting our website: www.redmoonproductions.com


Numerous Hollywood elites demonstrate their moral depravity

Legally Blonde

J-Law defends Leo’s bigger salary

Art LaFleur passes at 78