Episode 13, Season 3

My spiritual life is connected to everything that I do. It is who I am and what I have learned is I can only be me. I use my spiritual principles when coaching, speaking and educating. As you expand as a business owner, you must be ok with who you are. If this is an important piece to your puzzle, you are going to love this episode.

Today’s guest on Red Lipstick Chronicles: Tips from the Lips of Successful Entrepreneurs is Mrs. Samantha R. White, CPC. Samantha is a Certified Professional Coach, who through her company, Consult Positivity, provides coaching services to mainly African American Women between the ages of 20 – 60 who suffer from depression and low self-esteem. Samantha is a Christian mindset coach who instills in women the knowledge that they can achieve want they want to achieve as long as they change what their mind perceives.
Samantha states: “Because I am the business owner, I can freely talk about spirituality in my business. I could not do that in Corporate America. Now I am free to talk about things that align with my business values. It is important to show your face in your business.”

Today Samantha shares 3 tips to business owners looking to expand their business.
1. Be yourself. It is easier to build when you have a good foundation.
2. Do not be closed minded. You don’t have to market your business the same way you see everyone else marketing theirs. You never know what blessings you are blocking.
3. Get help. Get a coach and get an intern. It takes a team and a village to run a business. With the correct team you can do almost anything. Whatever goals or vision that you have for your company.

Samantha can be found all over social media. Her links are below:
Facebook: ConsultPositivity
IG: ConsultPositivity
Twitter: ConsultPositiv1
Website: https://consultpositivity.com

Original Music By: Christopher Brown
Contact Information: [email protected]

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