Episode 9 of Season 3

Host & Founder: Shaniece M. Wise - Business Expansion Coach & Strategist

In this episode of “Red Lipstick Chronicles: Tips from the Lips of Successful Entrepreneurs,” we are talking about Building an Empire While Starting a Family. Our guest today is Mandie Brice.

A Los Angeles transplant, Mandie hails from the Greater Milwaukee Area. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a degree in education, Mandie worked in the Milwaukee Public Schools as a schoolteacher.

Owning your business certainly comes with risks. Risk takers take so many risks that after a while, those risks no longer feel like risks but normal activity. My husband and I have made three major relocations recently. We moved from Wisconsin to Northern California, and then a few years later, to Los Angeles. Since I am a makeup artist, every move meant I had to start my business all over again and build a new clientele. To make ends meet, I started doing the same side hustles that I did in college. Passing out food samples in the grocery stores, handing out free T-shirts at concerts, and gigs like that............... ​​​​​​​

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Music By Christopher Brown