Robbie from Crash Rabbit Pod joins in. The voice of the voiceless has returned to pro wrestling.

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Intro w/ K from Big Egg Joshi Podcast (0-6)

Recommended matches: (6-33)

NXT Takeover Walter vs Dragunov NXT UK title (6-12)

AAA TripleMania 2021 (12-33)

Bishonen: (33-end)

AEW Dynamite to Rampage Aug 18-27 w/ Robbie from Crash Rabbit Pod (33-1:21)

NJPW Strong Aug 14 Resurgence (1:21-1:44)

Dragongate Aug 11 Korakuen, Aug 21 Kyoto Gate of Adventure Day 4 and 7 (1:44-2:01)

DDT Summer Vacation and Peter Pan (2:01-end)

Part 2 over women and retro will release as scheduled for Sept 1


Twitter: @BowlingJD

K at Big Egg Joshi Podcast

Robbie at Crash Rabbit Pod

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