What an insane few weeks it has been, especially this past weekend in April! Rad and JD are here to cover all that we can: Indie wrestling, New Japan, SuperCard XII, NXT Take Over, Wrestlemania... there is just so much. We start off with covering the indie scene: Defiant Wrestling (3-12); Impact x Lucha Underground (12-24); wXw (24-34); Progress Wrestling Ch 65 (34-46). New Japan had a couple huge events with Strong Style Evolved and then Sakura Genesis. We are here to cover the best of both events (46-1:04). From there, Ring of Honor had their twelth Supercard of Honor event which had two fantastic main events (1:04-1:28). Finally, it is time for WWE and we must begin with possibly the best NXT Take Over event ever in New Orleans (1:28-1:47). We wrap thing up with covering the biggest wrestling event of the year in Wrestlmania 34. Did it live up to our expectations (1:47-end)?
Podcast episodes live on Twitch and Mixer @BowlingJD Sundays at 12:00 EST...most times
Twitter: @BowlingJD, @PowerCordGaming, @ConsoleKev            @TorXtraprox, @MightyHiki            @Boogidaball, @RadZero83
YouTube: Moosen Spiel and PowerCord and Console Kev and RadZero
Thank you to all guests, podcasts, and commercials: @HibikiTMD, @Bcom33, @frigimonfanatic, @SASSpodcast, @thevivalajady, @LoganMyers144, @ABeerAndAGame 
Send all questions to [email protected] or to twitter @BowlingJD