For those that like your games like you like your movies.
Intro and talk about games we have been playing like the end of Red Dead Redemption 2, Child of Light, and more (0-26)Topics: Death Stranding demake and the failing live service model (26-47)Theme: retro games featured with a cinematic style (47-end)
Stuntman (PS2)
Spy Hunter (PS2)
Viewtiful Joe (GC, PS2)
Heart of Darkness (PS)
Twitter: @BowlingJD; episodes live on Twitch, Mixer, and Periscope @BowlingJD Weekends at 12:00 EST...sometimes. Support the cast:  
            @ConsoleKev, @thevivalajady, @MogJam23            @ToriRLR, @MightyHiki
YouTube: Red Leaf Retrocast
Art done by Craig. Contact @MaceandCraig and check out his Twitch via thanks to him for the hard work!
other hosts personal youtube: Console Kev and RadZeroTori's Youtube:
Thank you to all guests, podcasts, and commercials: @Bcom33, @frigimonfanatic, @RadZero83, @trashpandaanime
Send all questions to [email protected] or to twitter @BowlingJD