It is a double dose of modern gaming updates and opinions covering both March and April. First we play a small game of catch up (0-9). Our discussion takes us into a lot of 343 Halo Worlds event that took place in Seattle which follows into some game demos recently, other news, and more (9-26). Drew and JD then go into all the major game releases for March such as Kirby and Sea of Thieves (26-52). Finally, May came which means both Nintendo Labo and some Dad of War Valhalla came out. We must talk about them (52-end)!
Sea of Thieves
Ni No Kuni 2
Far Cry 5
Kirby Star Allies
A Way Out
Nintendo Labo
God of War Valhalla
Yakuza 6
Podcast episodes live on Twitch and Mixer @BowlingJD Sundays at 12:00 EST...most times
Twitter: @BowlingJD, @PowerCordGaming, @ConsoleKev            @TorXtraprox, @MightyHiki            @Boogidaball, @RadZero83
YouTube: Moosen Spiel and PowerCord and Console Kev and RadZero
Thank you to all guests, podcasts, and commercials: @HibikiTMD, @Bcom33, @frigimonfanatic, @SASSpodcast, @thevivalajady, @LoganMyers144, @ABeerAndAGame 
Send all questions to [email protected] or to twitter @BowlingJD