You gonna draw steel?
Intro: One Piece Whole Cake Island arc thoughts and more (0-25)Tori's Backlog Cleaning: Bakuman S2 (25-41)Manga Manhwa Checkout Gantz (41-1:12)Retro Review: Be-Bop Highschool (1:12-end)
Twitter: @BowlingJD; Support the cast:  
            @ConsoleKev, @thevivalajady, @MogJam23            @ToriRLR, @MightyHiki
YouTube: Red Leaf Retrocast
Art done by Craig. Contact @MaceandCraig and check out his Twitch via thanks to him for the hard work!
other hosts personal youtube: Console Kev and RadZeroTori's Youtube:
Thank you to all guests, podcasts, and commercials: @Bcom33, @frigimonfanatic, @RadZero83, @trashpandaanime, @reanimetorpod
Send all questions to [email protected] or to twitter @BowlingJD