Welcome to Healthcare Scrabble…and the four-letter word that’s on the minds and lips of most healthcare organization leaders today….RISK.

The world of shifting, identifying, and managing risk – has come full circle to providers, payers, self-insured employers, and drug companies.

And when you think about award-winning risk analytics and technology, a major player is Verscend Technologies.

Today we have one of the most influential and powerful people in the business world of healthcare – Dr. Emad Rizk, President & CEO of Verscend Technologies.

Dr. Rizk began his career as a physician in healthcare academics and research, then transitioned into the business aspect of healthcare. He led health consulting at Deloitte, then becoming President of McKesson Health and most recently, the CEO of Accretive Health.  

He's been named one of the “50 Most Influential Physician Executives in the United States,” the “Top 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare”, and CEO of the year on transforming businesses by AI Magazine.


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