Trade Hounds, is the largest professional community built exclusively for the construction industry, they recently announced the launch of their Jobs platform, which connects contractors directly with the skilled tradespeople they’re seeking to hire. Trade Hounds has built a community of more than 175,000 tradespeople that are already using the platform to showcase their work, build professional profiles and expand their networks.

Peter Maglathlin is the Co-Founder & CFO at Trade Hounds. 

Give us a quick history of the company when did it start and why? This had to be a mobile app experience vs a website correct?. What can seekers do on the platform? You mentioned contractors.. What does the avg recruiter need to know about recruiting in the construction space? Pricing? Was the jobs platform the first piece of revenue? Critical mass point... You picked up about 3 million in funding back in June what was that moment like for you and your team? Has the Pandemic helped or hurt your business this year? Future plans?