Most employers don’t give a second thought to how it’s crafted. Yet a few forward thinking companies have figured out that even the lowly rejection email is your final chance to make a good “last impression” during the candidate experience.

Case in point is Rejobify client BURNCO, based in Canada. They have had our rejection email service in place for more than a year now and regularly get responses from grateful job seekers who take the time to send their thanks for helping them move on with their job search.

Here’s a sample of what they said. These are direct quotes sent to us by their Talent Acquisition Manager;

“I am so impressed with this kind reply and the community spirit these words reflect.  I'll be sure to investigate the link you have taken the time to share.”  

“Thank you. I appreciate what you have done to make my search easier.” 

“I appreciate the response. Thank you for being so kind and offering the help that you have.” 

“Thank you for your response.  It makes such a difference as an applicant.”

Aren’t these replies refreshing to read? By simply providing some job search resources and free advice to the ones you can’t hire, any employer can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Full Story link:

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