Recruiting platform dotin Inc., which improves the recruitment and retention of new and existing talent, has released of their latest service module, PerFit-Diversity and Inclusion.

The new module leverage AI to gather insights related to employee makeup, helping organizations realize the gender and ethnic diversity within their workforce.

Oyster®, the company that makes hiring talented people around the world compliant, human, and delightful, has raised a $50 million Series B funding round, led by Stripes with the continued participation of some existing investors.

On the heels of the announcement of Oyster’s $20M Series A just this past February, this new Series B investment allows Oyster to expand its HR platform to more countries around the world and continue to empower globally distributed companies to succeed on the world stage.

The team has grown 5X and the customer base has grown 8X so far in 2021. Revenue increased by 8X since the beginning of the year, from a growing number of Distributed HR offerings, including multiple modes of employment (for both Contractors and Full-Time Employees), and an assortment of Benefits catering to the special needs of distributed teams. Oyster® has also expanded its country coverage to 91 countries which account for more than 95% of the employable knowledge workers of the world.

San Francisco – Pequity, the first intelligent compensation platform that helps fast-growing companies create fair and competitive compensation programs, announced today that the company has closed a Series A round of $19 million, led by Norwest Venture Partners with participation from First Round Capital, Designer Fund, and Scribble Ventures. 

Pequity saves companies time and money and helps them attract and retain talent by automating HR workflows from offer to signing to promotion and beyond. The platform helps HR & compensation leaders centralize their comp workflows, avoid comp problems before they happen, and create competitive compensation programs based on real-world data on industry ranges, market trends, and internal peer compensation

The new Questionmark white paper, “Five Ways Assessments Can Help Retain Employees”, shows that by testing the skills of workers, employers can:

Make better recruitment decisions – someone who leaves within their first year is likely to have been a poor hire. Testing the skills of candidates before hiring them helps ensure new starters are a good fit for the role. Identify relevant training needs – assessments can pinpoint an employee’s immediate training need, helping demonstrate that employers are taking their career development needs seriously. Improve onboarding – around 15% of exits relate to employees leaving in the first 90 days.3 Assessments can reveal whether the onboarding process is effective and if new starters are learning what they should. Create a certification program – assessing employee progress and awarding certifications enhances an individual’s sense of career development. It also creates immediate goals to work toward. Predict employee retention – employers can track scores from relevant workplace assessments and correlate them with employee longevity. By doing so, employers can identify risk factors that require intervention to prevent employee churn.

GoodTime, the leading AI-based interview scheduling and hiring experience solution, has added $9.5M million to its Series A funding, bringing the total round to $16.7 million. The new funding round was led by KTB Ventures along with participation from Smilegate and Atinum Investment. 

This funding will be used to accelerate innovation for hiring/candidate experience solutions and accelerate go-to-market growth in a wide range of industries with innovative clients such as Box, Shopify, and Zoom.

GoodTime is a solution that can reduce time-to-hire by as much as 50% while saving as much as $500,000 per year in talent acquisition costs.