Ken Forrester is President and Founder of A.W. Forrester Co. ...A.W. Forrester Co. is a niche agency recruitment firm that focuses in the commercial health insurance Industry. He started his recruitment career in 1990 as an agency recruiter – he’s received rookie of the year honors, top recruiter and highest placement fee awards. Ken believes His key to success is being able to incorporate non-recruitment solutions with traditional recruitment tactics. He is inbound certified through Hub Spot and an avid user of Mautic, a marketing automation platform – where he has developed a strategy for sourcing and nurturing prospective candidates. He also serves in an Advisory role to TerraTal, a start-up data science driven recruitment platform that implements machine learning technology into the recruiting and hiring process. His objective is to consult with employers on best practice strategies for optimizing the hiring process. TOPICS - full show notes available at How’s business in the commercial health insurance business...especially with all this crazy healthcare politics stuff going on? Good or bad for your business? How big is your team and where are you based? What ATS do you use? What tech tools are part of your everyday recruiting activities…? What created your interest in AI? What problems will AI solve in the hiring process? How big is the resume database of terratal How will AI work in recruiting talent? How will AI source candidates for jobs? What new ways will AI generate fees for agency recruiters? Have you used it to find and place a candidate