On Februay 7th in New York City, Hiring Solved will be putting on its first ever conference for recruiters and talent acquisition professionals, and here to give us a preview of the days events is their VP of Customer Experience, Jeremy Roberts Before we get to the event I wanted to ask you a couple of questions about your move to Hiring Solved...for those if you who don’t know Jeremy used to be the Editor at Sourcecon before making the transition to a vendor in our space. TOPICS -What’s it been like transitioning from news outlet to vendor marketing? -What have you learned so far about marketing to HR pros now that you are with a vendor? -Biggest challenge in reaching recruiters about your product? -Any new features or news from HS you want to mention? -Tell us about the conference...who what where? -What will people learn? -Agenda for the day? -Sponsors in attendance? -What are you most looking forward to at the event? -How to register? Discount code? -I see a lot of vendors starting their own conferences...think that will be a continuing trend? https://hireconf.ticketleap.com/hireconf/