Diversity Job Marketplace Canvas.com which rebranded itself last year from Jumpstart, was recently ordered to stop using the Canvas.com domain by a judge. Canvas is currently leasing the domain.

This is according to a story by BleepingComputer. In the article, “Learning management platform Instructure claims the domain name Canvas.com and its logo contain elements that conflict with Instructure’s Canvas product and line of business.“

Canvas says they are appealing the ruling.


SeekOut, the AI-powered Talent 360 platform, has just raised a $115 million Series C investment round led by Tiger Global Management. The round values the company at more than $1.2 billion in just four years, reflecting a 2.6x increase in valuation since its Series B in March 2021. The news comes on the heels of the business increasing ARR by more than 3x in the past year.


HealthGigJobs Services, Inc., announces the launch of HealthGigJobs Marketplace which matches verified healthcare businesses with verified and licensed healthcare professionals for on-demand gigs.

HealthGigJobs has launched the first order-driven exchange where businesses can simultaneously negotiate prices and terms with multiple matched healthcare professionals, while healthcare professionals can at the same time bid and negotiate on multiple engagements. Professionals are engaged as independent contractors working for themselves, and have the ability to utilize the platform to scale their own businesses.


Vangst, the cannabis industry’s leading hiring platform, announced the completion of its $19 million Series B financing. 

Vangst’s latest round of financing highlights the company’s growth over the last three years alongside the maturing cannabis industry. In the past 12 months, the sector reported a 25% increase in full-time employees and currently employs over 400,000 individuals.


Bullhorn® has acquired Able, a longstanding Bullhorn Marketplace partner and the provider of market-leading candidate engagement and onboarding solutions. This acquisition is the latest major investment by Bullhorn in helping staffing agencies around the world to transform their businesses in an era of continued digitization.

The combination of Able’s candidate engagement and onboarding solutions with Bullhorn enables agencies to efficiently meet complex onboarding requirements, reduce candidate drop-out, and get candidates on assignment faster, all while delivering an incredible candidate onboarding experience.
