Guest: Matt King, senior systems administrator

Welcome to a bonus episode of Recovery Unscripted, where we sit down with some of the people who make up Foundations Recovery Network and explore the different ways that they’re working to create lifetime relationships for long-term recovery. My guest today is Matt King who serves as senior systems administrator with the Foundations marketing team.

It can be a great feeling when everyone in an organization works together to build a website that connects you with the people out there that you want to serve. You put together all the right content, create right design and finally press that button to share your website with the world. But who’s looking out for your website behind the scenes to keep it running smoothly for the months and years after it launches? Well, if you’re lucky, it might be someone like Matt King, who’s kind enough to take a few minutes to explain exactly what it takes to administrate the web.

If you’d like to talk with an admissions coordinator about the treatment options at Foundations programs, please call anytime at 855-823-2141 or email [email protected]

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Music from this episode:

"Sovereignty" by David Condos - URL: