Guest: Clayton Martin, content strategy manager

Welcome to a bonus episode of Recovery Unscripted, where we sit down with some of the people who make up Foundations Recovery Network and explore the different ways that they’re working to create lifetime relationships for long-term recovery.

My guest today is Clayton Martin, who serves as content strategy manager with the Foundations marketing team. If you and your organization are providing excellent patient care or developing new therapies or conducting ground breaking research, but no one knows about what you’re doing, then that could be holding you back from making an even larger impact for the greater good. That’s where content comes in. But how do you know how to explain what you do in a way that breaks down complex healthcare issues for the general public and helps build trust? Clayton joins us to discuss.

To check out an example of Clayton’s work with content, visit a landing page at

If you’d like to talk with an admissions coordinator about the treatment options at Foundations programs, please call anytime at 855-823-2141 or email [email protected]

For more about Recovery Unscripted, visit

Music from this episode:

"Sovereignty" by David Condos - URL: