Guest: Dr. Eboni Webb, psychologist and DBT educator

Today, we hear from Dr. Eboni Webb, an internationally renowned trainer in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In addition to developing two specialized DBT programs for clients with developmental disabilities and borderline-intellectual functioning, she has also opened a private practice offering diverse DBT specializations. She sat down with Foundations Chief Marketing Officer Lee Pepper at the Recovery Results conference in Dallas to discuss the role that mindfulness plays in overall mental health and how therapists can help make DBT more accessible to everyone.

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Music from this episode:
"The Last One I Love" by David Condos - URL:
"Forces" by Podington Bear - URL:
"Filaments" by Podington Bear - URL: Composer: Chad Crouch
"Ronny" by Alex Fitch - URL: URL:…ola/Ronny_1253