This week on RfRx, David Teachout is taking us on a deep dive into Buddhism. Buddhism, in its core tenets, is as much philosophy as it is religion. Contrary to most religions, there’s no requirement to be a dualist while still appreciating, and incorporating Buddhist principles into one’s life. For many atheists raised, and repeatedly told, that there’s no meaning found outside of fundamentalism, Buddhism is an example that proves that wrong.

David Teachout is a mental health therapist and photographer, focused on and teaching how creativity intersects with mental flexibility to work through life’s struggles. David grew up as a Christian fundamentalist, attending a bible college and receiving a bachelor’s in theology and psychology. During his studies there, David deconverted and has been on a journey of appreciating humanity and all the stories we create to build meaning and purpose. David has a master’s in both forensic psychology and counseling psychology, and is currently at work on a doctorate in clinical psychology. David has been actively working within the field of psychology as therapist, social worker, advocate, and subject-matter-expert, for over fifteen years. In his spare time, David enjoys reading a copious amount, both fiction and non-fiction, exploring perspective through photography, and maintains a blog at and a podcast at

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