This week on RfRx, we will be continuing the conversation about psychic mediums with Susan Gerbic. A skeptic activist, Susan spent the last two years battling “Grief Vampires” during lockdown. She will explain how grief vampires took advantage of online resources and why we should, too. Susan will also discuss her work on Wikipedia fighting against the nonsense and the battle to stay in the game.

Affectionately called the Wikipediatrician, Susan Gerbic is the founder of Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW), Monterey County Skeptics and is a self-proclaimed skeptical junkie. A Skeptical Inquirer contributor Gerbic is a fellow of CSI and winner of the James Randi Foundation award for 2017. In 2018, Susan founded and now manages About Time, a non-profit organization focusing on scientific skepticism and activism. While her particular focus has been “Grief Vampires” (psychics), her activism encompasses all areas of skepticism.

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