The system of treatment as it relates to substance use has not followed the research. There is no other way to put it. If we were to examine the system related to its actions and the outcomes they claim to desire we can easily see that the system has a problem. It is not acting appropriately and continuing to perpetuate problems.   

This is not only the case for the addiction treatment world, unfortunately. We have already seen this play out in education, in my interview with Ken Bain, and in Criminal justice, in my interviews with James Kimmel and Tio Hardiman. We have systems that, although loud, have not followed the research in any way and are continuing to pull the wool over our eyes about their effectiveness.   

Terry applies his trade at Above and Beyond here in Chicago. It is the only place that I would ever blindly support because I know they respect their position in the community. Too many treatment centers get blind support because most people just assume that they are being set up to help, unfortunately, that is not often the case. This is not due to malintent, but when you go out into the world wanting to help, the amount of help you can give is endless, daunting, and no matter what you do there will always be more.   

When we experience that endless void of things to do, we will burn out. To avoid that, we look to easy solutions like abstinence. Since abstinence can be tested it is the litmus test for so many. Quality though, cannot be measured so it quickly gets overlooked as a metric. I am sure there are great centers all across the United States but more often than not the treatment center around the corner from you is not helping people but continuing to contribute to a diseased system that has erroneously label people diseased.  

This is a recent article by Terry  

As my work suggests I am always looking to recover myself completely and my aim is to help others recover themselves. I see a client for a total of 4 sessions which is designed to launch self-directed lives and separate us from the constant draw of codependency. This starts with my doing a portrait of my client. The portrait is an intimate experience, these open a vocabulary to trauma and are healing. This process is not for everyone and if you are not ready, I will not work with you. It is important that you are ready to step into yourself and stop playing a victim cursed by things around you. If you are interested in working together reach out at  

The Recover Yourself approach is a path to your total wellness: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual (however you define that). If you have pain or a major diagnosis, spiritual misgivings, or are easily emotionally disrupted, you are not whole. We give up on ourselves so easily. As children, we lived under the influence of our parents and that, for many, continues from one relationship to another. There is a you that you will be, which you have never known, that you can Recover To. Contact me when you are ready to step into that.

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