Connect with Kaii on Instagram @KaiiMarie_LLC or through her website

It is so important for us to look inward especially as caregivers of any kind. We want so often to be of help simply because we may feel lost ourselves. When we look to help are we looking to solve the problems of others? Or are we looking to be a temporary post for them to lean on while they get their legs under them again?

I have spoken with many people on this podcast about how the role of the teacher, as we have grown to understand them, is changing if not being removed completely from our experience. I noticed it a number of years ago as the industry of the personal coach started emerging. It is a tell-tale sign that something is amiss when everyone is clambering at something that previously was paid no attention. Today we are being called to be ourselves in a new way, whereas a decade ago it was “Be Yourself – as long as it fits into what we can understand.” Today we are seeing that still spread like wildfire of course but under the surface of that you can witness the next wave of “Be yourself and I don’t even need to tell you, or show you, what that means.” We are evolving and if you have a keen eye for who you are and how you are connected to the rest of us, then you know it’s true.

If you are a parent or the adult child of a parent you are caring for or if you are a professional caregiver in any field, you have the very real threat of burnout nipping at your heals every day.


- What actions do you take in your life that you would never consider questioning? What would happen if you were to question them?

- Can you name something that you learned by observing or experiencing as a child, and have previously expressed as something you were "Taught?" As an adult is that, which you learned, accurate? How does that lesson show up in your life today? Can you change the meaning of that experience?

- In your own words describe what a frame of reference is. How has that changed since you were a child? In the last year? In the last week?

As my work suggests I am always looking to recover myself completely and my aim is to help others recover themselves. I see a client for a total of 4 sessions which is designed to launch self-directed lives and separate us from the constant draw of codependency. These starts with my doing a portrait of my client. The portrait is an intimate experience, these open a vocabulary to trauma and are healing. This process is not for everyone and if you are not ready, I will not work with you. It is important that you are ready to step into yourself and stop playing a victim cursed by things around you. If you are interested in working together reach out at


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