Dr. Sandra Dreisbach joins the conversation. We discuss her work in ethics, entheogens, and healing. 

It was nice connecting to another woman to have a deep discussion about psychedelics and how they can positively impact our lives. Sandra also shares some redirects to Native Indigenous tribes and what we can learn from them about plant medicine. 

Have you ever wondered if psychedelics interfere or interrupt your menstrual cycle? Dr. Dresibach shares some insight as to how and why. 

We tip our hats to the fabulous book Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine and share our own experiences with psychedelics.

* Available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Psychedelic-Mysteries-Feminine-Creativity-Ecstasy-ebook/dp/B07H2M6S7J/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LDVQ707CB6I0&dchild=1&keywords=psychedelic+mysteries+of+the+feminine&qid=1633559882&sprefix=psychedelic+mysterie%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-1 



(From her website:)

About Dr. Sandra Dreisbach

Sandra is a Love & Worthiness Expert who is grounded both in theory and in practice bridging the gap between ethics at the university, intuitive insight and real life ethical decision making. She received her Phd in Philosophy where her research focused on ethical decision making and moral psychology.

She currently works with both individuals and groups as a private consultant, author, speaker and healer. Her focus is on helping individuals in both their personal and professional life to love themselves and to live authentically through personal value discovery and decision making that is in alignment with their values.

Sandra is also a lecturer for the University of California, Santa Cruz in both the Philosophy and Bimolecular Engineering Departments primarily teaching ethics courses. Sandra founded the Ethics Bowl program at UCSC as well as coached and trained teams of students in ethics debate on ethics case studies where students explore their own values and moral positions on current events and discuss cooperatively with each other and in debate competitions that foster discussion of the moral issues. She is also an affiliate of the UCSC Center for Public Philosophy.

Sandra also worked for several years in the tech industry in both hardware and software engineering departments working for large companies like Apple as well as small start-up companies.

She is also one of the founders of ​Ethical Resolve, an ethics consulting company that works directly with both small and large businesses, and is an affiliate consultant for them.

​In addition, Sandra is a Master Reiki Practitioner trained in two Reiki lineages: traditional Eastern Usui Reiki Ryogo lineage through Santa Cruz Reiki Works; and, by Reiki Master Teacher and Energy Intuitive, Marie Manuchehri, in the Western Takata-Hayashi lineage.

Follow her on Facebook, Instagram or simply go to her site at www.OnDemandLove.com

You can also find Dr. Dreisbach on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandradreisbach


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