Today, Dan Coughlin joins the conversation. 
Dan is the City Administrator for the city of Olivia, MN. In this episode, Dan shares his story of what drew him to community government, what captivated him to move to Olivia, MN, and what his stance is on Freedom of Speech. 

We dive into a discussion of controversy within the community of Olivia—a sign with a 4-letter-word that is creating quite a commotion. Is it political? Is it personal? Is it necessary?
When you have the right to do something, is there something greater than exercising that right?

What does the Freedom of Speech protect you from?
How should communities operate and address controversial issues that hover around Constitutionally protected rights. Must we proclaim what we believe or is it enough to know within?

Please consider the perspective of Dan Coughlin. Enjoy the episode. 

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