Dovid Feldman joins the conversation. He is a licensed marriage therapist

Today’s topic indulges the question, “How do you rebuild or strengthen your marriage?”

Dovid Shares the 5 foundations for a great marriage. These are: Gratitude, Listening, Communication, Boundaries, and Sexuality.

The conversation indulges the spike in sexlessness in marriages and long term relationships. Dovid offers some great ideas that can help you cultivate a structure to maintain erotic enthusiasm and ensures needs are being met. He notes that the plan to “just have sex when you feel like” is the reason sexuality is the foundational focus in his course. If you wait for when you “feel” like it, how long are you waiting?

The conversation then turns to how to implement and differentiate desire and intimacy in the marriage. He speaks of the Jewish idea of implementing a degree of abstinence to help keep desire alive.

When discussing boundaries, Dovid notes the importance of understanding how only how to set the boundaries, but how to receive them as well. And reminds us that boundaries are designed to separate us while also bringing us closer. It’s a paradox we must manage.

This episode is filled with so much substance, nuance, and two individual perspectives compassionately considering one another in an authentic, connected dialogue.

For more insight and inspiration, be sure to follow today’s guest on X (formerly Twitter- forever Twitter):

And check out Dovid’s website to build a great marriage:





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