Previous Episode: Transformer

This episode is all about The Roots' fourth studio album, Things Fall Apart, which was released in 1999. It makes the Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Albums list at #416.

Physicist, author, blogger and NYC-native Ethan Siegel brings some hip hop credibility to the podcast this episode, helping counteract the rural(ish) roots of Eamon, Sonya and Nathan. Known as "hip hop's first legitimate band," did the music, lyrics and vocals hold up under the toughest of scrutiny? Is this truly one of the greatest albums of all time? Well, you'll have to listen to find out.

During the episode we discuss Ethan's upcoming book - The Encyclopaedia Cosmologica - which you can pre-order here.

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Runtime: 56 minutes

Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.

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