The UK remains one of the countries with the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world. As the previous generation began to acquiesce to the new accepted medicalised paradigm when it came to raising children, this did, unfortunately, filter down into following generations, with women choosing to breastfeed less and less. However, we are now starting to see an increase in breastfeeding again, perhaps because of the rise in the wellbeing movement alongside the access we now have to information highlighting the importance of breastfeeding for the long-term physical and emotional health of both mother and baby.

It’s a contentious subject, but one that is so important to address. If most women aren’t being made aware of the life-changing benefits of breastfeeding, perhaps they’ll make their choices based on that. As always with Healthy Happy Home, our intention is to bring you information that enables you to make decisions from a place of informed choice.

In this episode we speak to Kathryn Stagg IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). Alongside her breastfeeding support, Kathryn also offers holistic sleep support. We touch on every facet of breastfeeding, from why some mums choose not to, what problems we could encounter as new mums, how to avoid and prevent some issues, how to overcome others, what situation means a women really can’t breastfeed, the science behind what breastfeeding does for the baby and the mother, the ingredients in breastmilk and the difference between breast milk and formula. We also spoke about feeding twins and triplets, as Kathryn supports many women feeding multiples, through her Facebook group and charity, Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK.

For any expectant mothers listening, this episode will help you understand the nuances behind this much-debated subject, and will hopefully help you to make a decision you are happy with.

You can find Kathryn at and on Instagram @kathrynstaggibclc

Products mentioned in the show:
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding


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Reconditioned with Lauren Vaknine supports Solace Women’s Aid Charity, who support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, working with over 27,000 people each year to build safe lives and strong futures.


Season 2 of Healthy Happy Home is sponsored by Megahome Water Distillers. Use the code HHH5 at checkout for a 5% discount @megahomedistillers1