As we are in enforced lockdown, during the Covid-19 crisis we are bringing you topics that we believe are relevant in the midst of this crisis, in the hope of offering practical solutions, perhaps ease some anxieties, and encourage a sense of equilibrium.

However as this episode covers ways to reduce stress and gives an insight into the work of Mindset specialist, Scott Stevenson, it will remain relevant regardless of external circumstances.

Scott Stevenson, otherwise known as the Mindset Specialist has worked in a variety of roles from deputy headteacher to being the first non-medic to be employed by the US Government to work with their veterans based in Asia. Scott believes that everybody deserves to have access to the knowledge and practical tools that can easily bring about and sustain wellbeing.

In his twenty-five years’ experience, expanding over eighty countries, he has coached and mentored clients that are pushed to the limit of their physical and mental wellbeing. These include members of the GB Athletics team, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Criminal Investigation Department (CID). His passion and experience from working within the educational sector has provided him with the opportunity to work as an advisor and trainer for corporate and educational leaders within the UK, The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and the Dubai Government (KHDA). He is currently working in a school in Jersey, working to support children, teachers and key workers during the pandemic.

In this episode, Scott talks us through some basic EFT and Havening exercises to quickly reduce stress levels. He explains how these simple tapping methods and breathing exercises work to take the body out of the fight and flight state and into the parasympathetic and how this works on a physical and emotional level. Scott also shares a simple technique for anyone who might be suffering from anxiety or panic attacks.

In this uplifting and enlightening episode we discuss how Scott's Mindset technique works to remove emotional blockages, frustration and unwanted patterns of thoughts and behaviours and how his methodology leads to what he calls outcome visualisation in order to achieve and perform at an optimal level.

 Find Scott at and on instagram @scottleestevenson

 Recommended Joe Dispenza

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Dc Ron Ruden


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Reconditioned with Lauren Vaknine supports Solace Women’s Aid Charity, who support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, working with over 27,000 people each year to build safe lives and strong futures.


Season 2 of Healthy Happy Home is sponsored by Megahome Water Distillers. Use the code HHH5 at checkout for a 5% discount @megahomedistillers1
